Author Talk: Elizabeth Slade About Montessori Schools (In-Person)

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Please note that this program will be in person at the Noah Webster Library.

Momentum is a captivating historical novel about Dr. Maria Montessori, a brilliant woman who defied societal norms, becoming one of Italy's first female doctors and later revolutionizing education worldwide. Taking its bones from an actual diary written by Dr. Montessori in 1913 chronicling her first voyage to America, Momentum is a fictionalized retelling of that same journey. Written directly to her son, Mario, the novel illuminates their complicated relationship and how he came to be raised by others while she focused on her work. Momentum is a compelling portrait of a woman who overcame countless obstacles to leave a lasting impact on the field of education.

Elizabeth G. Slade is the author of Momentum: Montessori, a Life in Motion,  Rest Stops, a coming of age novel that won the Next Generation Indie Book Award in 2012, and Montessori in Action: Building Resilient Montessori Schools, which came out in 2021 from John Wiley & Sons. Elizabeth has also worked with others to create books such as Women Period. and How to Raise a Peaceful Child in a Violent World. Forthcoming from Parent Child Press is a book about teaching at the elementary level, co-authored with Allison Jones, Finding Ground.

In addition to writing, Elizabeth serves as the Executive Director of Public Montessori in Action International, an organization committed to ensuring fully implemented Montessori education for children, families, and educators of the global majority. Elizabeth earned her AMI Elementary Diploma from the Washington Montessori Institute, her AMS Administrative Credential at the Center for Contemporary Montessori Studies, and her Master of Fine Arts in writing from Spalding University.