Program Description
"Everyone's Grandmother": Stories of the People Who Shaped Us
Join us in celebrating the life and legacy of Gertrude Blanks through reminiscences and stories. Gertrude has been described by those who knew her as a "Hartford legend," "Mama Blanks," and "everyone's grandmother." She dedicated her life to serving the community, connecting with young people, and education through storytelling. To honor her, our speakers will share stories of people who, like Gertrude, support, nurture, and bring comfort to those around them. The program will be followed by light refreshments and conversation.
- Floyd Wyche - Retired Librarian and colleague of Gertrude
- Andre Keitt - Professional storyteller and friend of Gertrude
- Anaya & Aaliya Lal - West Hartford students and members of West Hartford Immigrant Teens (WHIT)
- Okey Ndibe - Author and West Hartford Library Foundation board member
This annual celebration of storytelling and community is co-hosted by West Hartford Public Library and the Office of Employee Development & Community Engagement.
Registration required. This event is being held after the library closes. Please use the Blue Back Square entrance. Doors open at 6:00pm.
About Gertrude Blanks
Gertrude Blanks (1920-2019) was born in Baltimore, Maryland and moved to Hartford, Connecticut as a young child in the early 1920s. She later lived in West Hartford and attended Hall High School.
Storytelling became her special time with her mother and a way to feel connected to her people and her history. She developed her gift of storytelling and worked at the Hartford Public Library for more than 20 years facilitating story times and continuing that tradition with many schools and organizations seeking her services until her late years of life. She was an inspiration for the many poets and storytellers that followed her legacy.
An exhibit about Gertrude’s life and accomplishments will be on display in the Meeting Room of Noah Webster Library from March 13-20 and can be visited when the library is open.
Free parking in the Isham Garage is available to you at the Noah Webster Library during your library visit. Click here to learn more.
Any individual requiring an accommodation to participate in a library program should contact the library two weeks prior to the program. Please use the contact information listed on this page.